Our Team
The WITH Team

Hannah Frazee
Hi, I am Hannah I am a thin white, cis-gender, neurodivergent woman. I grew up in a middle-class, food-secure family.
I am a junior at the University of Iowa, studying Health and Human Physiology. I plan to pursue my RD credential and MSW upon graduating.

Hi! I'm Maddy and I am a thin, white, cis-gender able-bodied woman. I grew up in Iowa in a food-secure, middle-class family.
I graduated with a BA in Sociology from UCLA in 2018. I am currently in my first year of grad school at University of Iowa in a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

Cassidy Boe
Hi, I’m Cassidy. I graduated with my B.S. in Nutritional Science from Iowa State in 2019. I will be starting my M.A. in Sociology at the University of South Florida in Fall 2020. I hope to pursue a Ph.D. in Sociology with a special focus in fat studies.